Part I:

Professional Standing

Verifying your professional standing every five years is critical for maintaining your status as an ABCRS certified physician.



Two pieces of documentation are required to complete your professional standing requirements.

Verification of Full Licensure

Certification is contingent upon medical licensure. You must hold a valid, unrestricted medical license in at least one jurisdiction in the United States, its territories, or Canada. If more than one license is held, all licenses should meet the requirements.

ABMS provides licenses for U.S. diplomates. If you have a Canadian license, you must send a copy to the ABCRS office via email, fax, or mail.

Should a Medical license become encumbered (i.e., restricted, revoked, or suspended) at any time during the certification period, the Board shall undertake proceedings consistent with due process to revoke the certificate.

Chief of Staff Evaluation and Documentation of Hospital Privileges

The Chief of Staff Evaluation and Hospital Privileges form have been combined into one form. (You need to Log into your MOC profile to Print the form)

Evaluation and Hospital Privileges form –  Find Part I  on your MOC timetable. Find Evaluation and Hospital Privileges form and Click on Print – The Print button is located  underneath the column of the year that Part I is due. The Chief of Staff or similar official at the primary institution where the applicant holds unrestricted colorectal and/or general surgical privileges, must complete and sign the form.  The authenticating official should return it to the American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery via email, fax or US mail to the address below.

Upon receipt of both your:
1.) Verification Full Licensure (medical license) 

2.) Evaluation and Hospital Privileges form
The ABCRS staff will indicate Yes , Part I Complete, Year Complete in your personal MOC profile under the year the requirement is due which will turn green. Yellow signifies requirement is due. Green signifies requirement is complete.


American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery
20600 Eureka Road, Suite 600
Taylor, MI  48180
(734) 282-9402 – Fax

How to View Your Profile

Log in to the ABCRS Portal

If you do not have your username and password, call the board office at 734-282-9400.

Open the Continuing Certification Tab

This is your personal timetable that charts your continuing certification components and requirements. Detailed instructions for completing each step are located in your Continuing Certification timetable. (Please note the yellow boxes indicate which year your requirement is due.)

Navigate the MOC Profile

  1. All MOC forms that need to be printed and returned to ABCRS are accessible here.
  2. Your status is indicated by color. Green signifies that a requirement is complete. Yellow signified that action is still needed. The yellow boxes under columns represent what year your requirement is due.

Resources for CME

Access the Continuing Certification Directory for meaningful, practice-relevant CME activities that satisfy lifelong learning and self-assessment requirements, as well as explore the American Medical Association Physician Recognition Award (AMA PRA).

Continuing Certification Directory

The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) launched the new Continuing Certification Directory website on January 22. The Directory is a central repository of Continuing Medical Education (CME) activities that are approved by ABMS Boards, and which meet the Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment Continuing Certification requirements of one or more ABMS Member Boards. Through the Directory, ABMS Board Certified diplomates can easily find meaningful, practice-relevant Continuing Certification activities that:
  • Incorporate one or more of the six core competencies developed by ABMS and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).
  • Help satisfy the Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment requirements for ABMS Continuing Certification programs.
  • Address specialty board priorities for patient safety and quality improvement.

For more information, visit

Continuing Certification Directory

The American Medical Association Physicians Recognition Award

The American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery does not give CME credits for successfully completing examinations, however, Certification and Maintenance of Certification Examinations are eligible for American Medical Association Physician Recognition Award (AMA PRA) Category I credits awarded directly by the AMA. A copy of the board certificate or the specialty board notification letter must be submitted to the AMA as documentation. The current assignment is sixty (60) AMA PRA Category I Credits. Questions may be directed to Resources are also available online at

AMA Direct Credit

For additional resources from the American Medical Association (AMA) to obtain CME credit that can be applied to Part II of ABCRS Continuing Certification.

ASCRS Resources for CME

This link will take you to the Education portion on the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons website. Category I CME can be applied to Part II of ABCRS Continuing Certification.

Ethics and Professionalism Policy

Unethical and unprofessional behavior is denoted by any dishonest behavior, including: cheating; lying; falsifying information; misrepresenting one’s educational background, certification status and/or professional experience; and failure to report misconduct. The American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery has adopted a “zero tolerance” policy toward these behaviors, and individuals caught exhibiting such behaviors risk being permanently barred from certification, reported to state medical boards, and/or legally prosecuted for copyright or other violations.

Unethical behavior is specifically defined by the ABCRS to include the disclosure, publication, reproduction or transmission of ABCRS examinations, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, verbal or written, electronic or mechanical, for any purposes. This also extends to sharing examination information or discussing an examination while still in progress. Unethical behavior also includes the possession, reproduction or disclosure of materials or information, including examination questions or answers or specific information regarding the content of the examination, before, during or after the examination. This definition specifically includes the recall and reconstruction of examination questions by any means and such efforts may violate federal copyright law. All ABCRS examinations are copyrighted and protected by law; the ABCRS will prosecute violations to the full extent provided by law and seek monetary damages for any loss of examination materials.

Continuing Certification

What does it mean when a physician is required?

Continuing Certification or Maintenance of Certification (MOC) is a process adopted by all 24 ABMS boards that assesses six core physician competencies approved by the ABMS and the ACGME throughout a physician’s career. The six competencies that have been identified as important to deliver quality care are communication skills, professionalism, medical knowledge, patient care, practice-based learning and improvement, which includes the ability to measure, and improve quality of care and system-based practice. All physicians certified after 1990 are required to participate in Continuing Certification.

What does it mean when a physician is required?

Prior to 1990, certification by the American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery was granted for life. These certified colon and rectal surgeons are not required to recertify or to meet the requirements of Maintenance of Continuing Certification in this area but are strongly encouraged to do so.